Although many business owners feel as though it is more beneficial to hire in-house and staff a team of professionals to commit themselves to their company, this isn't always the case. Case and point being with IT consultants hired in-house to handle hardware installations, purchasing or network management. This is especially true for companies run by individuals that aren't that knowledgeable about information technology.

As a company offering South Jersey IT consulting services, what we have noticed is that with companies that have in-house departments, there tends to be a lot of fluff.

What do we mean by fluff? 

Fluffy, meaning they seem to possess an overabundance of technologically advanced devices. While this may be a nice feature for your company's image and for your employees to utilize, these purchases are not always the most practical or financial sound for your business. This is not always at fault of the IT employees but may be caused because the IT professional hired is exactly that, an IT based professional. Often, these individuals make the best IT decisions but unfortunately, this does not mean they will also make the best financial decisions. 

To avoid this situation or to prevent it from happening, seek outside IT services from an established IT company or IT consultant. Usually, IT consultants are trained in more than one avenue so they can offer the best IT advice while also, paying attention to the budget. Why not get the best of both worlds and simply hire an outside firm to handle IT?